ice sculptures and fell. However, when it was about to land, the ice suddenly melted away. It then shouted in anger and rushed forward with flapping wings, scattering searing red feathers everywhere....Chapter 440: Resurrection of the Dark King
The most impressive part about Sun Bleed Tolerance was his giant bone hand, but now it had been torn off by Shen Xiang. Moreover, he had sustained serious injuries, making the outcome of this battle obvious.
This sudden reversal was unexpected by anyone! Beforehand, those at the Nirvana Realm had discussed and thought that it would be difficult for Shen Xiang to handle such dark power, but in fact, Shen Xiang had proven that the evil force posed no threat to him.
Sun Bleed Tolerance struggled on the ground with an expression of pain. Blood was black in the place where his arm had been severed, causing a chill to run down people's spines.
The most peculiar thing was that there was no blood on the severed arm that Shen Xiang had grabbed onto.
Although Shen Xiang tore off Sun Bleed Tolerance's arm, he couldn't be happy about it. He could sense the evil power emanating from that arm attacking his body, trying to possess him.---“這是骨格神丹。吃下之後感覺和書上描寫的一模一樣,甚至要強烈一些。難道是因為你煉製的神丹品質更好,所以顏色不同?”這中年聲音帶著一絲興奮地說道。這中年確認之後,廣場中頓時爆發一陣嘈雜的聲音。骨格神丹出現了!而且還是要出售的!就算在神國,都是有價無市的東西。如果在這裡拍賣,價格可想而知,更何況還是品質更加好的純白色骨格神丹!“我一定要買一粒,我要親自確認那是不是骨格神丹。連師傅都煉製不出白色的骨格神...