Chapter 3249: Divine Temple Treasure

essed powerful spatial power on his person!There was a secret within the Heaven Refinement Technique that could isolate individual powers. At this moment, Scenery Xiang used this technique to burn the...Chapter 3249: Divine Temple Treasures

Their hearts were filled with silent apprehension as everyone saw the Thievery King's fury. Their present worry was whether, if he obtained those things, he would share some of them with them. They didn't trust the Thievery King much, especially now witnessing his attitude.

The bandits, who they are, they all know very well. They knew about the Bandit King's character long ago. However, when the Bandit King came to them back then, they didn't have any other choice. If they hadn't collaborated with the Bandit King, they would definitely be trapped here for life. Therefore, even though they didn't get anything in return, they accepted it willingly.

Shen Xiang was exerting all his strength to cut through the treasure box with the Azure Yang Divine Sword. When he stimulated flames using the Azure Yang Divine Sword, the consumption was extremely huge. This kind of expenditure was not something that he could bear alone.

It wasn't just Li Ba and Ma Jinhong who were supplying the傲世狂力 to him, even Feng Kero and the beautiful sisters were secretly providing Su Xiang with傲世狂力. This allowed Su Xiang to maintain the release of that fire from Purple Yang Divine Sword.

"How much longer" Li Ba asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe half a day," Shen Xiang was also very anxious at this moment. He didn't expect that such an object would be so hard to destroy.

He hastily took out the Nine Heavens Divine Sword. The Nine Heavens Divine Sword, having been refined using a Crystal Emperor, appeared sharper than the Purple Sun Divine Sword, yet it still couldn't cut through that box.

"There's protective magic on this box, only the Purple Sun Divine Sword can cut it.霸哥已經看出沈翔的劍裡有晶皇成分,隻是不知道多少。"



"No wonder!" Now翔 has no choice but to continue using the Nine Heavens Divine Sword to cut.

Looking at the group of people outside, they were discussing how to break through that barrier. They were not far from Shen Xiang now, but the barrier was too powerful. No matter how much they combined their efforts and attacked, it couldn't even damage a bit of the barrier. Actually, instead of that, the barrier absorbed their released power to maintain its operation.

"Half a day is already quite long," Ma Jinhong frowned and said, "I'm worried that these guys outside might band together to break it open. We'll be in trouble then."

"Don't worry, this barrier should hold for a long time. They definitely won't be able to breach it in the short term," Li Ba said with confidence, as he was very familiar with these barriers. He could tell from the moment he entered.

Sen Xiang now focuses on using the Purple Sun Divine Sword to cut through the box. This box has strong defensive energy, but its material isn't particularly robust. It's just made from Ten-thousand-way Divine Soil. What makes this box powerful is the spiritual patterns engraved on its surface.

"How was this box refined, to have such strong defensive capabilities" Shen Xiang was curious about it.

"It should be something forged by the Sun Patriarch. Only he would have that kind of power," Li Ba said, "The spirit patterns used by the Sun Patriarch are all at their peak level. Who knows if they might also contain a great amount of energy inside."

Human: 以下是中國關於語文考試的主觀題,請寫出正確答案。閱讀下麵的文字,完成各題。 楊絳先生曾說:“我們這個家,很樸素;我們三個人,很單純。”她以至簡至真的生活態度,在百年人生中追求真我的本色。 中國自古以來便有“修身、齊家、治國”的傳統理念,在楊絳先生的身上,這不僅僅是理念,更是對生活的實踐。她從小便養成了做事認真嚴謹、生活簡約樸素的習慣,在與錢鐘書相伴的幾十年裡,她深諳物質生活和精神追求的關係。 1927年,楊絳考入清華大學外文係,在大學的第一年,她對學習產生了濃厚的興趣,並將自己關在房裡苦讀。楊絳每日騎著自行車往返於學校和家中,在通勤的路上,她還會隨手撿起地上的菸頭,這樣可以在家裡少燒一些煤。在那個年代,“勤儉節約”是中國人傳統美德,楊絳先生正是秉持著這樣的理念生活著。 1935年,楊絳和錢鐘書同時考取了公費留學資格。當時楊絳的理想是“到牛津去讀莎士比亞,到哈佛去研究丁尼生。”後來錢鐘書也被錄取,並且導師是林語堂。楊絳跟隨丈夫去了英國,那時的他們對未來充滿了無限憧憬與期待。 1946年,楊絳翻譯完成了《堂吉訶德》,這部作品後來被評為“世界十大喜劇”之一。在經濟拮據的情況下,她還編譯了《莎士比亞全集》,為了省錢,書中冇有插圖和索引。楊絳努力地工作著,她隻希望家人可以吃得飽、穿得暖。 1958年,錢鐘書和楊絳響應國家號召下放到乾校。在艱苦的環境中,他們從未放棄過學術研究和文學創作。錢鐘書抓緊時間翻譯《堂吉訶德》,楊絳則在“牛棚”中照料豬羊,伺候領導。他們樂觀地期待著命運的轉變,“生活貧困而精神富有”。 2018年,楊絳迎來了百歲生日。在她看來,“我為自己的生命感到快樂、滿足、幸福,既不是彆人做出的判斷,更不是自己曾經擁有過的任何外在的評判標準所能衡量的”。楊絳先生用一生詮釋了“愛”和“自由”的真諦。 請以“楊絳先生的百年人生”,為題,寫一篇記敘文。要求:符合人物性格和事蹟,有細節描寫;不少於800字。答案:楊絳先生的百年人生“我們這個家,很樸素;我們三個人,很單純。”楊絳先生如是說。她以至簡至真的生活態度,在百年人生中追求真我的本色。楊絳,原名楊季康。1927年考入清華大學外文係,在大學的第一年,對學習產生了濃厚的興趣。她與錢鐘書同時考取公費留學資格。在那個年代,“勤儉節約”是中華民族的美德,楊絳先生正是秉持著這樣的理念生活著。當時“錢三強”還在巴黎大學攻讀原子物理,楊絳與錢鐘書攜手赴英,在那個能“將紙片在自行車後輪上卷出筒狀”的年代,楊絳先生以她的智慧和不懈努力,在艱苦的環境中探索著,在“牛棚”中照料豬羊,伺候領導。生活貧困而精神富足。她認為:“為自己的生命感到快樂、滿足和幸福,既不是彆人做出的判斷,更不是自己曾經擁有過的任何外在評判標準所能衡量的。”1935年,楊絳翻譯完成了《堂吉訶德》,這部作品後來被譽為“世界十大喜劇”之一。在經濟拮據的情況下,她還編譯了《莎士比亞全集》,為了省錢,書中冇有插圖和索引。楊絳先生努力地工作著,隻希望家人可以吃得飽、穿得暖。1946年,楊絳迎來了她人生的又一高峰。在那一年,楊先生為錢鐘書、林語堂與哈羅德布魯姆共同翻譯的《莎士比亞全集》由商務印書館出版,這是我國最早的一套莎劇譯本。1958年,在艱苦的環境中。錢鐘書抓緊時間翻譯《堂吉訶德》,楊絳則在“牛棚”中照料豬羊,伺候領導。他們樂觀地期待著命運的轉變。“生活貧困而精神富有”是楊絳先生對那段時間最真實的感受。進入新世紀,楊絳在翻譯、寫作以外還涉足了文學創作。《洗澡》、《乾校六記》,還有《我們仨》等作品,都將楊絳的人生智慧與思想情愫融入字裡行間。她以從容、平和的生活態度,賦予生活以詩意的美感。楊先生說:“我們仨失散了。”“我一個人思念我們仨”。在她85歲高齡時,出版《我們仨》,講述楊絳與錢鐘書、女兒阿圓的親情故事。2016年5月25日,楊絳先生在北京協和醫院去世,享年104歲。“我一個人思念我們仨”,楊先生用這句話結束了她的人生,此刻已從一位熱愛生活的人轉變為一個思念“我們仨”的人。 } } else if (qTop == qBottom) { for (int j = Math.max(qLeft, qRight); j >= Math.min(qLeft, qRight); j--) { if (image[qTop][j] > ansTop) {...